martes, 24 de agosto de 2010

Transformaciones Socioculturales

Estaba pensando que igual hay una forma esperable de que las grandes empresas se acaben de un suácate. Sería que se destruyan unas a otras, ellas pueden hacer eso. Yo creo que eso va a pasar cuando se metan en política lo suficiente como para sentirse confiadas de que pueden hacer y desacer leyes con cierta facilidad. Entonces viene que a alguien se le ocurra empezar a cambiar los artículos que dicen que "una persona no debe injuriar a otra" para que lo empiecen a hacer y se destruyan unas a otras. O eventualmente se reduzca radicalmente la prevalencia.

Igual mi culpa, mi culpa, mi gran culpa es la culpable y responsable de todo el asunto. El hombre nace culpable porque su naturaleza es destructiva, toda la historia humana está ceñida a su estadística. Con esto quiero decir que ni las empresas ni el consumo nos manejan ni ejercen poder sobre nosotros, sino absolutamente lo contrario. Y eso es a lo que hay que temer.

Bueno volás que uno piensa con los documentales de la U, chao pescao

lunes, 16 de agosto de 2010

Far beyond knowledges, we shall paddle through the seas, walk on books and fly over colors. No lands might be conquered, whatever you do will be split by the trees that surround you in this forest. That's why we don't make any decisions, we're lucky when not wise to refrain from loosing time. Every second we hesitate is not only gained for the sake of our silent treasure, but also spent in avoiding paths. Once in this forest we're all in, there's no taking over seas nor books nor colors, not even love can be held in flesh, there's just wondering around and tasting the best of each day.
For what is made of this soil no other worlds can be as pleasant. The eyes can travel even further than the mind, but the touch of your hand is as far as I have to go to meet everything I need to find all the answers there are for me. Now that we walk among the woods together, we shall not fear anymore of not getting to see everything.

The joy of the forest is not to find the shortest way out, nor to learn an exact map of it. The charm is by the details, but it's how you experience them. I hope our silly decisions stay as wise as they have been so far, so that this calm moment of laying in the grass with you, looking people go by like the world was ending, remains untill the soil joins.

(4 meses ♥)

PD: Viernes 13 po xD